Thursday, January 15, 2015

Day 14: My relationship with food

It's mostly a love, love relationship. I love good food. I love food generally. When I was younger I had a tendency to eat other people's pizza at lunch during school. I even won a pizza eating contest in high school during a BETA trip. This was against teen boys as well. Keep in mind I was about 105 pounds at the time. I was told that it would eventually catch up to me one day. Well with pregnancies I did gain weight. Luckily though most came off. I am not a whole lot heavier than I was back then, but I definitely have more muscle mass. I do wear the exact same size jeans, but my tops are a size larger due to, well, motherly endowment. I am still able to eat more than the average person my size and not gain a whole lot of weight. But it can creep up if I turn a blind eye to it. I particularly love sweets. And no, I won't be doing any sugar cleanses any time soon, if ever. If my diet can't have sugar then it's not going to last. When I try to lose pregnancy weight I choose a diet that allows for moderation of anything. Luckily, I enjoy eating healthy food just as much as some unhealthy crap. 

When I do eat out I try to enjoy the healthier options. Most recipes can also be altered to a much healthier state with just a few changes. And they can still be just as tasty. In fact I find that full fat and greasy versions are too rich for my tummy and I end up not enjoying how I feel afterwards. I will say that is one thing that has changed since I have aged over the years. I think having my gallbladder out at 21 has helped with that. I do not binge, but I will have large meals on occasion, usually when I eat out for a special occasion or for a holiday (hello Thanksgiving!). I notice though that it will keep me full for most of the day when I do this and if it was for lunch, by the time dinner comes I am not hungry. I also do not like feeling that feeling of being super full anymore. There is definitely a fine balance there. 

As for some of my all time favorites...

Lobster and scallops
Italian food, particularly my husband's homemade lasagna
Black tie mousse cake from Olive Garden
comfort foods/homestyle foods

With pinterest in my life now, my recipe collection has grown quite large. I also bake like crazy. Desserts are my thing. But I do have to limit making them so I don't eat them all the darn time. 

Great this topic has made me hungry. 

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