Sunday, August 26, 2012

The positives!

Despite last week being riddled with negatives, I didn't list many positives in my last post. 2 big things did occur this week which should be addressed.


Yes, the kiddos started school and they all loved it! Kieran in in TREC (gifted and talented) again this year, she scored above the 98% and 99% in her National test scores. Gage was accepted into both Pre AP Science and Pre AP Social Studies. He was hoping to get into at least one, but his National test scores in both from last year were both very high. Ryker has been super excited about Kindergarten and loves his teacher. He also loves that he doesn't have to sleep during his "nap time".

 2. My "last day" at Vista was Tuesday. I had originally planned to be there a few hours finalizing stuff, but due to the ER trip the night/morning before I only came in for an hour with Heston at my side. Now I am down to 2 jobs. Both of which I will be keeping. It's nice not to have to worry about squeezing in what little time I could give on Mondays and Tuesdays. Now I can relax a little and not have to run back and forth between the two on those days. Starting next week I have a full day of clients through my contract on both those days. There were of course other positives, but I wanted to address those two especially. So far this day has been good. And it's been raining, which has been much needed.

My mood is more positive as well. And yes, I was able to make it to church this morning. Ironically we covered spiritual warfare. hmmm

I'm looking forward to this week.


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