Sunday, October 13, 2019

Women's Retreat weekend

Kieran and I headed down to the Shiloh Women's Retreat this weekend. When I came back for Kieran's race I went ahead and took Ridlee back with me due to the fact a double weekend away from her was starting to affect her. She was melting down a bit. While at the retreat she was having fun during the day and we got to go on a hike and she played on  the playground. 

She did great until bedtime then melted down when she realized she wasn't at home. I saw panic in her eyes and realized there was no need to torture her by staying. We made it back and she took awhile to regulate. Emotional dysregulation is very real. You can't reason with her when she's like that. Only fear and panic are present. I felt so bad for her. She's mostly back to herself, but I was flat out emotionally and physically exhausted. The picture of her in bed was when she finally wore herself out. You'd never know how hard she fought looking at the angel like face. I'm not planning on being away from her overnight for a long time.

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