Monday, September 16, 2019

Taking on a new role...

I have been relatively quiet about some health issues I have had this past year. There is a reason that I haven't had any running races to post about. This year I took time to focus on health and growth. With that came 2 surgeries, both of which weren't easy. One was in March, it was an endometrial ablation. Very painful first day. But it did the trick for what I needed it for. Recovery was pretty normal for that. In June I had a much larger and more in depth surgery to hopefully take care of some auto-immune issues I was having. That recovery was much harder and I had an infection develop several weeks even after I thought I was in the clear. It cleared quickly with the help of antibiotics. I have been back and forth from Tulsa and finally got the all clear this past week to return to regular stuff. Now I have been walking tons since 3 weeks after, but not being able to do much past that has been difficult. So I had to try and grow in other areas. I've done tons of reading, Bible and prayer journaling, stepping out to do more presenter roles, and I also stepped up in the Littles PTO this year and have taken on the role of President. Lord help me! It's not been too bad though. Just definitely tedious so far. I am sure things "might" die down some. We are in the middle of planning our Fall Carnival and I am becoming a more in depth logistics guru. I started running some this past week. I still have some residual swelling in certain places because of the surgery. But it will take some time to recover. I know this and I am having to learn patience. In the mean time I am loving reading up on Servant Leadership and Nothing to Prove by Jennie Allen as well as other books I have picked up here and there. I am actually enjoying the new busy me. I have a nice peaceful contentment that I appreciate. It's nice to say the least. 

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