Thursday, February 28, 2019

Temple Grandin and more!

February has been a long month. For only having 28 days it has stretched on for a long time. Honestly it's not a negative thing... at least this time. Last week alone was a long one. A lot was accomplished though. Right after I got my CAS, I left for OKC to go see Temple Grandin at a conference. I also got to hear her mother speak via skype. Beth Aune, an Occupational Therapist was also a speaker. It was an awesome experience and I even got a signature and to ask Temple a question about Ridlee. 

That was Thursday! On Friday, we had Ridlee's first official IEP meeting for the public schools for when she starts Kindergarten next year. We got the ball rolling on things and will have a follow-up one soon after all her testing is completed for it. Saturday we went to a sensory screening to see How to Train you Dragon, The Hidden World. It was sponsored by AIM (Autism Involves Me), a local non-profit that does great things like this for our community. They are the ones we did the walk and run with last year. This year in May they are on the same day, but we will be taking part in the walk and resource fair. It will be on May 4th. I will be posting more about it and Ridlee's team later. 

Sunday I caught up on things I was behind on, including a nap, billing, notes, laundry. Monday I got an unexpected day off when all clients canceled. I had scheduled a low day but it just happened to be that God thought I needed a mental health day. Ridlee was at school, so I caught up on more rest, but also started my Sensory Enrichment Therapy Certification. I worked on it on Tuesday and finished it up yesterday after my sessions were over. I didn't realize how tedious it would be, but once started I needed to finish. I am just waiting on them to check all my credentials to get my official certification. I am super excited about this and adding it to my Autism Program services offered. As well as doing this with Ridlee. According to their studies, those who took part in SET as an adjunct therapy to other therapies for 6 months were 6 times more likely to make huge gains and have a reduced (CARS) Childhood Autism Rating scale compared to those who did other therapies without SET. That is huge! For those curious what SET is, here is a good article. 

I am not sure what March is going to bring. I have a minor procedure scheduled on the 21st to finally deal with some monthly issues that have plagued me. That's also the same day my high school best friend and maid of honor from my wedding is having surgery to remove thyroid cancer. Please be in prayer for Charlette M. I know she would greatly appreciate it. 

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