Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Gage and Ryker's Birthday and Conference in between.

I always have a tendency to dread September because it's so overwhelming with birthdays and stuff. This year I got an opportunity to squeeze in a NAADAC Conference in between. In was in Denver so I took my mom and Ridlee with me and stayed with family. Next years is in Houston and I hope to be able to go. This year got me wanting to start doing my own training's eventually. So that is now a goal of mine.

Ryker's birthday was on the 19th and he turned 11. Here he is enjoying some of his presents.

My conference was literally right between their birthdays. I got back on the day of Gage's 17th birthday.

Here is some of the art in the hotel at the Conference.

One of the training's I attended. 

Breakfast. They provided all but the Starbucks.

Poster presentations. 

Ridlee at my aunt's house.

Lunch provided by them.

More of the hotel.

Guest speaker was Mackenzie Phillips. 

And Gage when we got back.

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