Monday, April 10, 2017

First Marathon!

Yes, I have been keeping a blog secret. I have been training for a marathon since January. Technically much longer just to build a base, which I highly recommend. There is no way I could have ran this without injury if I didn't have those 2 years of running prior. It took a full year just to work out my shin splints. Also runner's knee this time last year was an issue. So when I finally told myself I would train for one, I also told myself I wouldn't do it the traditional way running tons of miles. I actually only ran on average of 25 miles a week. I utilized the 3 day a week of runs and added 2-3 times a week of cross training, including HIIT, strength, and HILT. I believe without a doubt this helped me not to develop any injuries during my training or any injuries during the race itself.

I had my eye on the Hogeye since it moved to Springdale this year. Literally a part of it wasn't just a couple of blocks from my house. It would be dumb to pass it up with support close. So I officially signed up for the Bentonville Half the week prior to get me at least goaling for it, but eyeing my long runs for the full. I managed to complete all training runs, which included two 20 milers, an 18 miler, and several just under that. They were all tough and even hit a wall on one of the 20 milers. The pain in the back of my legs was legit. I even got the flu sometime in there and it didn't keep my from my long runs. The timing did help. I ran them on Wednesday's at the park close to my work right after my last session of the day. On day's I ran the 20's I had to cut a client at the end to make sure I had enough daylight to run. 

The week before the Bentonville half I got the dreaded bronchitis. It was viral so the only thing to help was cough medicine and an inhaler. I was just starting to get on the mend by race day. My goal wasn't to race but to use it as a training run. I did that and ran it around 2:22. The medal is here with all my others. It's the one on the left. 

Day of my full came and so did all the gitters. I lined up with the 5:00 pacers having absolutely no idea what I would be able to do. It was supposed to get very warm and the hills would be bad. I started at a very comfortable pace and ran my first 5k slower than my next two. I managed speeding up a little without putting out any extra energy. I was able to run all the way to mile 15.5 without stopping. That even included the majority of the hills from mile 11-15. At mile 15.5 I saw Steven and Kieran waiting to give me a protein drink. About 50 ft away from him I literally tweaked my ankle and fell. Thanks to quick reflexes from derby, I was able to not fall full force on my knees by diverting energy into a roll. It helped and I literally rolled right back up. Knees were stinging but not bad. Ankle was fine after pausing a bit to drink. After I started moving again, I noted I lost my Tylenol. Unfortunately there were no med tents to get any more. But the 2 I took before the race lasted and I made it without hitting that dreaded pain wall in my legs. At mile 21 I took a quick bathroom break and was able to get a second wind after that. The 5:00 pacers came around just as I came out. I joined them for awhile until mile 23 had a surprise winding hill that no way could I run up. So I lost them, or they lost me. After that the fatigue was high and I had to go into a run/walk pattern. I kept changing it up, but mostly did 30 seconds of running mixed with 10 seconds of walking. That helped pass the time and by the time the finish line was in sight I said I was going to go strong to the end. I managed to get out a fairly good sprint at the end and was happy of my time of 5:04:18. I came through and pointed to God. There is no way I could have done this without him. Especially with no wall and making it through all those hills in miles 11-15. Considering the fall, the heat starting at mile 16, and the hills I was more than pleased with my time, 

My bling. 

Heston showing it off. 

So 2 days later I am not as sore as I thought I would be. I had a massage scheduled today and that helped. I probably will do more of these, since it didn't kill me. Right now I have a scheduled 5k at the end of them month with Ryker's school. The bigger races are in the fall and I plan on varying my training with some trails in the near future. It's nice not to have to worry about anything specific right now. 


On a sadder note I did want to include that my Aunt Sharon passed away this morning. She has been fighting a lot of health issues in the past 3 years and put on a brutal fight all the way through. I am sad for my family, but happy that she is no longer suffering. It was a year yesterday that I lost my first Uncle Jess in a motorcycle accident. It never gets easier. Please remember my family in your prayers. 


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