Saturday, October 14, 2023

Big Fan!

 Never really considered myself a city girl but if I had to live in one this would be the place. I'm absolutely loving Vancouver. I've seen so many different cultures while I've been here. I've heard so many different languages. I've not seen one negative thing or heard one negative thing out of anybody's mouths. I walk down the street without any fear. 

I've done more peopling the last week than I have in probably the last 3 years. Most of it has been done while I've been here. I've actually allowed myself to make a few connections while I've been here. Helps when there are extroverts that like to adopt introverts. 

I realized I like to actually travel and need to do more of it. I actually would impress upon anyone considering doing something that they never have before and step outside of their comfort zone and do it. You won't regret it. But you might regret not doing it. And that can be anything from travel to education, or just challenging yourself in something. Life is too short to sit back and just watch others live it. Go live it yourself.

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