Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Gage's 18th birthday... he's an adult now!

I've officially raised one to adulthood. I can't believe that he's 18 today. I'm overly emotional today for sure. I'm glad he's still a senior. I feel bad for my parents as I turned 18 after I graduated and left for the NAVY shortly after. I couldn't do that right now. I might burst if I had to let him go that soon. Proud doesn't begin to cover what I feel for him. He even led and organized the first See you at the pole for his school today. While it was a small group, it had to start somewhere. He's lucky that his school is doing testing today and him being a senior he doesn't have to stay. So I will take him to lunch and hang out with him a bit. If you see him today, tell him happy birthday. And if you would like to donate to his St.Jude birthday fundraiser on Facebook that would be awesome. That was all his idea.

He could've gone anywhere for his birthday lunch and he picked Zaxby's.

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