Sunday, December 13, 2015

Gage's hand

Gage had a fall during a run a couple of weeks ago and hurt his hand. We thought originally that it was sprained. After a few days it wasn't looking any better and thought maybe even dislocated. After it was looked at by a trainer who referred to the ortho immediately, we found out it was broken completely and needed a plate to fuse it back together. We found this out all last Monday and by Friday he was in surgery. He felt horrible with the pain meds they gave him the day of the surgery and by the next day he refused to take anymore. He is just like me, I can't stand that stuff. 

He still has one week left of school before his break. His hand affected is his writing and drawing hand. He had a project that required him to make a poster, so I got an idea to let him create his scene using my sandtray at work. It was ideal and he did a good job on it. 

Here are his bionic hand X-Rays after the surgery,

And his project of a made of World War Z scene.

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