Sunday, June 24, 2012

What a week...

Seemed never ending. It was VBS week. I worked every day plus Steven and I had to help with Bible School every night. Most nights we didn't get home until 9:30 as we ate dinner there after it was over. By Wednesday I knew I was going to need a break in the near future and penciled in a mental health day for Monday (tomorrow). I have a scheduled massage and I plan on sleeping in. Luckily Steven is here and will get up with the kids. This will be the first one all summer that I have had.

The move to Farmington to the group practice is going fast. The plans have been drawn up and building is beginning soon. Still suppose to start in August or September. Having meetings here and there and trying to find all my office stuff. Got lucky this week and got some shelves, dollhouse, and more toys from one of my friends who is moving soon to Memphis. She was Ryker's daycare teacher for several years. The fiscal year for my contract job ends this month so I am finishing up all the stuff for that and looking forward to July 1st, which is the start of the new contract. But that also means about 6-8 more clients each week then what I am accustomed to. That's a lot! Not sure how much longer I can keep the school based job with the other 2 increasing in the amount of time I am having to put in. Something is eventually going to have to give and it's the one I don't have plans on continuing for years. Granted it was a blessing last year when pregnant and we lost one of our big contracts and I was just starting the private practice. This time last year I was barely working at all. I guess considering how hot it was and the fact I was pregnant I think God was just giving me the break I needed before all this other stuff started happening. I am trying not to take it for granted as I know that I am truly blessed.

Kids are enjoying their summer. They all loved VBS. I am looking for another close to our house for this week. Gage has a swimming party today and the others are chilling. Heston is teething bad and has been running a fever off and on all week. Luckily aside from some fussiness he is able to eat and play. Those first teeth just want to take their sweet time like all the other kiddos did. They are right under the skin and ready to pop through anytime. He is crawling now. Some weird inch worm / bear crawl. But he gets to where he wants. All in all things are good, just busy as usual...well maybe somewhat busier for me.

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