Monday, November 07, 2011

One week old!

And while this week has felt like a month in some ways, it's still hard to believe my little guy is already a week old. Since coming home from the NICU things have been good and fairly calm. He is nursing like a champ but gets frustrated when he is co-sleeping and can't latch on just right. He sleeps hard throughout the day and seems t not sleep as well at night. :( His cord fell off today, but we are still having to put alcohol on it as it is still scabbed. We also started using some of our cloth diapers today. These things are tricky and will take some getting used to. Main reason being they seem so huge on him.

Physically I am doing well. Still way behind on sleep, but I am managing. I still have this calm high that I get after all the kids were born, which I can only attribute to hormones. It's definitely better then having the baby blues. Told a friend of mine that I wish I could put it in pill form and market it. I figure I feel well enough to start working out right now but I am hesitant that it will affect my milk supply since I am just now getting it started. I figure if it continues to go well I will start slowly this next week. I gained about 27 pounds with this pregnancy which is only a few more than I did with Kieran and Ryker but still a lot less than what I did with Gage.

My parents and sister came up yesterday to see Heston, but they also brought up my early Christmas present, or at least part of it. I now have a full dining room set with 6 chairs, with 2 leaves. I also have a matching china hutch but will get it the next time they come up. It wouldn't all fit in my dad's truck this go. It will be nice to be able to put my Grandma's china she gave me somewhere besides a box in the garage. I gave my old table and chairs to my sister and her husband. It was a good set but only had 4 chairs. We have already been a family of 5 for awhile so you can see my excitement to finally get a 6 seater.

Right now, life is good. :)

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