Monday, December 10, 2007

Changing things up a bit

I am sitting here too sick from coughing to fall asleep so thought I would do some minor updating around here. Kind of got tired of seeing all the pink. Plus I am stickler for change in general. I am sure this won't last super long either.

On a side note, I made the mistake of going to derby practice under the impression that it would help my lungs get over this bronchitis. I was wrong, it made it worse. I won't go into the nasty details of what happened as soon as I stepped in the cold air as practice ended, but let's just say I had me a good ol' asthmalike attack and I don't have asthma. Here I sit even worse off than before. I know I need to go to the Dr. but I am the only one without insurance in this family and well we just don't have the money right now for me to go. It sucks! If anyone has any great cures for acute bacterial (not viral) bronchitis, let me know. I have gotten it yearly since I was pregnant with Kieran and the Dr.s let it run 3 months and kept telling me it was viral. It was the Indians of course, which is why I won't go to them for this. But they finally gave me antibiotics and it cleared up in 3 days. It's a pain in the bootie. I actually thought I had made them stronger with the amount of exercise and cardio I get but nope. Can't excape it. I felt so out of shape tonight too. It was the first time in ages I didn't enjoy practice.

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