Saturday, April 08, 2006

A sense of calm...

Has come upon me since what happened yesterday. Although it will continue to be uspetting, I have had no remorse for the decision I made, in fact, I feel good about it. In fact I would probably be mad at myself if I had not decided to resign after what happened. I guess if I am going to leave it is best to leave standing up for something I believe in. What is it exactly I believe in??

..That children have the right to be loved, feel loved, and not be treated as though they can handle every thing that comes their way simply because people say they are resilient.

...That although I believe no system is perfect, there should still always be in affect a sense of prefessionalism and strife to do what is best for the situation, not what is best for the person who is in charge, whomever that may be.

...God didn't put me here on this earth to sit back and shake my head when I feel there is an injustice being done. More than anything I know this and believe it with all my heart.

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