Saturday, January 28, 2006

5 weeks and exhausted!

Not sure if it is the prometrium or the pregnancy but I have been so exhausted. Of course I still managed to work 44 hours this week even though I took Tuesday off to stay home with Kieran because of her pneumonia. Again I am super stressed and anxious about work. I realize that it will not get better. They keep telling me it will get better, just hang on! Please it's been 6 months, it has only gotten harder. I have gotten three new cases in the past month, one is a doozy!! And being pregnant has just made me realize even more how stressful it is. I am constantly asked by co-workers and fellow students "how do you do it?" And honestly I don't know. I guess it is only God. I trully pray that I will not have to be like this for the rest of my life.

Well I am happy that I have made it this far in my pregnancy. Of course with the prometrium I won't really know anything until the ultrasound, which is on the 6th of February. Steven is going to miss class to go with me which I am glad..just hoping I really don't need him (if you get my drift)! I am not sure if my symptoms are from the pregnancy or the progesterone. That is making it somewhat hard to enjoy this pregnancy. However I am sure I will have my regular worries as well as the other added ones anyway, symptoms or not.

I am really glad the weekend is here. It's the only thing that keeps me sane is knowing I get to spend some time with my family on the weekends. I start to resent my job on somedays and I had a couple of those days this week. Nobody says thank you. Everyone just expects you to do things on a whim, even though you are already overbooked as it is. It's so funny on some days I hate it other days I am ok with it. This week I am sure has a lot to do with the fact I am tired and pregnant. My prayer tonight will be for God to give me strength to make it through this job, or to allow anothe avenue to come this way, whichever he deems fit. Ok I about to pass out from exhaustion so I am going for now.

1 comment:

Amie said...

February 6th seems so far away!