Saturday, June 10, 2017

Catch up...

I will start from today and go back and hopefully not miss anything. 

Today was my first summer 10k and man was it hard. It was hot, hilly, and I didn't carb up enough. It doesn't help that I am actually trying eat super healthy recently and get rid of all the processed crap. Unfortunately a side effect is running performance in races is hindered. I did fine up until mile 5 after many of the hills and just felt a crash. But I still managed a 10k under an hour.

The older kiddos/ the Bigs got home from camp yesterday. They went to the one I went to as a kid in Oklahoma. Small and more like a family. They of course had a blast.

Yesterday also marked one year since we got Harley. It was her celebratory gotcha day. 

I got a chance to take Heston to a play center last week, while Ridlee was at school. This might be the last time for awhile that I got to do something with just him. I took him for coffee/brownie for him that morning, then went and played, and then went to eat. He had fun.

And last but not least the older boys got hair cuts. Gage even went for a new style.

The Bigs still have another camp coming up and VBS is next week. I am hoping I can keep the blog up through the summer, but there is a lot going on for sure. 

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