Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Updates and junk!

I am utterly ashamed that it's been over a month since an update. And it's not because nothing has been going on, I assure you. It's more like too much has been happening. So here goes...
1 & 2. In my last post I introduced Harley Quinn, our new Border Collie rescue. A few weeks later we introduced Jax, our new Cheweenie rescue. They took about 24 hours to get used to each other, now they are the best of friends. This also meant we needed to officially make the jump to fence our large yard. And it was complete the first of August. Both dogs have loved their new found freedom. We put in a doggie door that both can use while I am at work. Which leads to another development. The littles nanny got a full time job and the littles started preschool 3 days a week the first of August. It's taking some adjustment, but they are doing fairly well. 

3. Races: Kieran and I took part in the 2 mile Relay for Life  Insomniac Run on July 15th. She got 1st overall female and I was right behind her and got 2nd. This past Saturday she, Gage, and I ran in the Tontitown Grape festival 5k. I went on less than 2 hours sleep due to Ridlee having some issues that night. I still ended up getting 4th in my division, and they both got 1st in theirs.

4: Kids started school. Kieran started Haas with Gage this year. She is in 7th, he in 10th, and Ryker is in 4th.

5. Anniversary: This past Sunday Steven and I celebrated our 17th Anniversary. That's 2 years less than we have been together. We did our usual eating out and movies. For those who like horror, I recommend 'Lights Out'. Remember the short? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=adap4rzlM2I  The lady on there even has a cameo. 

Yum Red Lobster!

6: New camera: For my Birthdayversary (birthday is next week), Steven finally got me a good camera. I have been enjoying taking some pics outdoors.

7. Paintings for the boy: I made some nerd/pinterest inspired art for Steven for his new classroom this year. 

Upcoming stuff!

* 36th Birthday next week.
* I have registered for 3 Half Marathons. 2 in Fayetteville, 1 in Tulsa. 
* Boys birthday and party coming up in Sept/Oct.

Time slow down please! Please!

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