Thursday, June 01, 2006

Guess we are moving!!

<>Although I didn't get much sleep last night I woke up in a more understanding mood. One only God himself could have changed that fast. I realize now that it would be difficult and very stressful to buy this house. Probably way more stress than I need at this time or even 6 months down the road. Steven and I went and ate and then went and looked at nearbye houses to see if any were for rent or lease. We saw several within about 10 miles, but 2 were really close. One is literally just a block away but maybe a bit smaller, but there was a 4 bedroom, 3 bath just a mile down in another subdivision. We called the owner and had a look at it while a handyman was fixing things. It's a lot bigger than what we have now. Only thing is it is 2 story which would take some getting used too, but not necessarily a problem. So we decided to think about it and meet with him tomorrow. While I will have to move (which I am not crazy about) it will be in a better place and the kids won't have to change where they go to preschool and such. I know that I was being a bit selfish yesterday, I guess I just wasn't prepared for this change immediately, however like all changes I have come across I will manage and know that it is for the best. Now if I could just get someone to move for me!!

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